These seven Feasts represent and typify the sequence, timing, and significance of the major events of the Lord’s redemptive career. It is remarkable that there are seven in number of which seven stands for the completeness and perfection of the finished...
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? (1 Peter 4:17) This is one of those scriptures that throws a divide on...
There is a strong connection between righteousness and the resurrection of the dead. Adam’s death caused man to lose right standing before the Father. This further led man into darkness a biological death where he was trapped in Sheol/Hades/Hell. Jesus resurrection...
In recent times I have been in some discussions that has to do with resurrection and immortality. Topics of such interest always generate endless debates as it bothers on the afterlife and its implications to our existence now. We have many...
The resurrection of the dead was also captured through a harvest motif. This was a time of separation to indicate the true sons of God, ones born of the Spirit and not those who laid claims to their physical lineage as...
The old testament is largely divided into 3 parts; The law, Psalms and Prophets. Until the grace community understand how these Big 3 are fulfilled in Jesus we will keep hovering on an incomplete message. Largely many in the grace message...
For people who told to a futuristic view of endtimes still expect a physical kingdom where some impossibilities will exist. Unless we understand prophetic and figurative expressions used in the Old Testament will have false expectations where whole doctrines will be...
The most important issue that determines the interpretation of the book of Revelation is the date that it was written. There are two views:The late date view (AD 95-96), which most in the evangelical and charismatic camps hold to andThe early...
Reading the scriptures just based on our timeline, it would be easy to jump to the conclusion that the disciples were now asking about the end of the world in Matthew 24. But when you look at it closely in context...
INTRO AND THE FEAST OF PASSOVER We commence a new series I have indicated in recent times. This series is not well sought one but it holds beautiful thoughts on the full redemptive work of the Lord Jesus. Their significance is...