#1. Operate from rest A lot of people see ministry as a burden they carry for the Lord. The weight of the burden overwhelms them and they always function from a place of depression. Even Jesus knew how to rest when...
I think it is necessary to see how the Old covenant passed away. This is crucial to see how the scriptures unveil the provision of the New covenant, issue of wrath mentioned in the epistles and the seemingly mysterious book of...
Dear friends, We are blessed to have reached more than 20,000 hits. We just would like thank everyone who have visited us and also share our notes and articles. We have blessed with the feedback, comments and various responses. We pray...
The understanding of the grace of God is my greatest personal discovery in life and it has led me to really reassess who I believed God was and how he transacted with men. I had to go from seeing grace as a topic to...
The recent decision by the Supreme Court in the US to legalize gay marriages has caused so much ripples in the religious world over the place morality. We have heard prophecies about an impending doom that must manifest over America drawing similarities from...
Reading the scriptures just based on our timeline, it would be easy to jump to the conclusion that the disciples were now asking about the end of the world in Matthew 24. But when you look at it closely...
Why we misunderstand the end times. 1. We interpret scriptures without taking cognisance it was written by Jews and interpret it as if it was speaking to us. For example. We forget it is a Jewish concept at the time the...
Your success is His responsibility not yours. Many Christians, bound by religion, think that to live and enjoy their dreams, or “God’s best,”they must set goals and design their plan thoroughly. Each step they must take is planned by them in...
Many have made this prophecy to fit in trying to justify a manifestation of the Anti-christ. The theme of the scripture has always been Jesus and his finished work. Daniel 9:24 “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy...
Many times grace preachers are being accused of being licentious with sin. They are seen as encouragers of sin in the church. Off course they don’t see themselves that way but could really the issue?First of all the accusation of being a “Grace Preacher” is very unscriptural seeing that grace is...